Ebola Diagnostic Jig

Ebola Diagnostic Jig

Frozen blood samples test jig for the Ebola virus.
Commissioned to design two injection moulded part fused using ultra sonic welding.
A small window allow for laser to passthrough enabling the following analysis methods :

  • Raman Spectroscopy
    • Explanation: This technique analyzes molecular vibrations to provide a chemical fingerprint of the sample. It works well on frozen samples because it detects stable vibrational energy shifts, unaffected by freezing.
  • Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
    • Explanation: LIBS uses a high-powered laser to create a plasma from the sample, allowing for elemental analysis. Freezing does not impact the ability to measure elemental composition, making it compatible with frozen samples.
  • Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM)
    • Explanation: LCM uses a laser to precisely isolate specific cells or regions from a frozen sample for further analysis. Cryosectioned samples maintain their structure well enough for targeted dissection.
  • Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)
    • Explanation: SERS enhances Raman signals using metallic surfaces, enabling the detection of low-concentration biomarkers. This technique remains effective with frozen samples, especially for stable molecules or those that can be reconstituted after thawing.


Date:  1st March 2020
Skills:  Rapid Diagnostic, Design
Client:  MakerBee
URL:  Launch